canada Bright Orange Music Academy

Fiona Zhang
BCRMTA Registered Piano Teacher
RCM Registered Piano Teacher
Member of CFMTA
Member of CMTAC
Academic Director, Canada Bright Orange Music Academy
Education Background
Master of Education in Music Education (MEd), University of British Columbia (UBC)
Majored in Early Childhood Piano Music Pedagogy
Bachelor of Music (BMUS), Nanjing Normal University (NNU), China
Majored in Piano Performance, Music Education, and Piano Pedagogy
Fiona started to learn piano since her early childhood with Professor Yu Gu, Head of Piano Department, Jiangsu Institute of Education, and started to perform on stage at the age of 6. She has achieved outstanding results in many piano competitions since then. At the age of 10, she took part in the Yellow River Piano Concerto performance commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on behalf of her school. With excellent piano performance and provincial examination results, she was admitted by Shanghai Normal University Conservatory of Music (ranked fourth in the professional examination in Jiangsu Province) and Nanjing Normal University Conservatory of Music (Key Subject and Specialty of 211 Project). She finally chose Nanjing Normal University Conservatory of Music, majoring in piano performance and music pedagogy, where she studied under Professor Yixin Liu, head of Piano Department, and Professor Zizheng Yu, Dean of the Conservatory of Music of NNU. During the university, she served as piano accompaniment in various provincial and national vocal music, instrumental music, chorus and other competitions, and successfully held undergraduate piano graduation concert and recorded her personal piano CD. After immigrating to Canada, she studied under Dr. Eugene Skovorodnikov, a Russian pianist from Canada, and Dr. Corey Hamm, a piano professor from UBC. She achieved excellent results in many piano competitions during her further studies in Canada and was admitted by both UBC School of Music (piano major) and Faculty of Education of UBC in the same year.
Piano Performance Awards & Master Classes
Steinway Piano Competition, Excellent Instructor
Crescendo International Piano Competition, Best Teacher Award
Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festival, First Prize
Vancouver CMTAC Piano Star Competition, Gold Prize in Adult Group
Piano Masterclass with Dr. Stenzel (German)
Piano Recital at Ochsenhausen Abbey, Germany
Overview of Students’ Awards
With more than ten years of solid and effective teaching experience in piano performance, Fiona has taught numerous students in Great Vancouver. They won many gold medals and scholarships in various piano competitions in Great Vancouver and in North America as follows.
1st Place in 2022 CMC Canada National Piano Competition 15-year-old group (Claire Zhong)
4th Place in 2022 CMC Canada National Piano Competition 15-year-old group (Derek Yu)
3rd Place in 2021 CMC Canada National Piano Competition 15-year-old group (David Xia)
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards in Steinway Piano Competition
1st Place (full score), 2nd place and 3rd place in Crescendo International Piano Competition
1st Place (full score), 2nd place and 3rd place in Little Mozart International Piano Competition
1st Prize, 2nd Prize and 3rd Prize in Outstanding Young Musicians International Piano Competition
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards at Kiwanis Music Festival
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards at Richmond Music Festival
And so on…
Students’ Results of the Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) Certificate Program
Dozens of Fiona’s students have passed RCM piano theory examination with excellent (90+) results. Among them, Claire Zhong got a high score of 94 points in RCM Level 10. A number of students obtained the Associate Diploma (ARCT) with high marks, the highest academic standings awarded by the RCM Certificate program, and were awarded diplomas at UBC Chan Centre. Her students' scores in piano and theory examination are remarkable.
Ms. Chengcheng Zhang not only has a solid foundation in piano playing, but also has a rich background in music pedagogy, knowing the psychology of children of all ages and the characteristics of students' music learning. As one of the founders of Canada Bright Orange Music Academy, she’s making great efforts in gradually establishing and improving the piano teaching system of the Academy. She’s looking forward to integrating the piano teaching concepts of Europe, North America and Asia, and providing the most professional piano teaching for students of all ages by establishing a standardized teaching system. Let every child love music and enjoy the charm of music while cultivating solid basic skills!
Ali Marsman
Ali Marsman has had a strong love and passion for playing and teaching piano for as far back as she can remember. Upon completing her studies at the British Columbia Conservatory of Music, she was finally able to fulfill her dream, and has been happily teaching for the past 10 years … although she did take a short break to publish a trio of books. Ali truly has a unique way of engaging students. She develops lesson plans and goals for each of her students, and with tremendous patience and care, she brings students to whichever goal(s) they wish to achieve in music. Along with teaching piano, Ali teaches music theory and history as well, and is able to adapt to any ability, or disability that a student may have. She provides music therapy, and in 2008 developed a music and art therapy program for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, or developmental delays, and also enjoys her time in seniors’ home playing piano, singing, dancing and doing art with residences. Ali recently became a qualified Kelly Kirby Teacher; a wonderful program for children as young as 3 years old, where they develop the solid foundation needed to confidently move onto the next stages of music. She is ready for to obtain her Associate of the Royal Conservatory of Toronto and will find the time to do so in January.
Ali老师出生在加拿大,在BC省音乐学院接受了系统的钢琴学习。是加拿大音乐教学法Kelly Kirby的注册教师,取得了专业教师认证。她对于钢琴教学充满了热情与爱心。在过去十多年的教学中,她有独特的教学方式,擅长调动学生的学琴积极性与学琴热情。她会为每一个学生制定教学计划和目标,并且给与学生们非常多的耐心和关爱,从而帮助每一位学生实现他们的音乐学习目标。作为西人老师,Ali老师在教授初级学生中注重基本功的要求,对于节奏,弹奏方式有自己的教学坚持。除此之外,Ali老师在2008年创立了Music and Art Theory Program,这是一个专门用来帮助自闭症儿童,注意力缺陷障碍,以及发育迟缓儿童的音乐课程。Ali老师同时教授音乐理论和音乐史,她自身也是一位出版过书籍的作家。她的学生在橙嘉音乐各项活动演出比赛中成绩优秀,并且很多学生在加拿大皇家音乐学院考级RCM中取得了高分。

Grace Qian
Grace started her musical study with Wenju Sui at the age of four in China. In 2018, she finished her music diploma in Capilano University. In the same year, she received the BCCM licentiate degree. In 2019, she attended the University of British Columbia where she received a Bachelor of Music Degree specialized in piano. Grace has been teaching piano for over five years and has inspired many young beginners to love music as well as achieving high marks in both piano exams and theory exams.

Lynn Zhang
Mr. Lynn is a professional piano teacher with over 10 years of teaching experience in China and Canada. The students she taught have gotten excellent results in both piano exams and major competitions. In 2017, Ms. Lynn has led the students in the second Schubert International Piano Competition in Austria, and won the gold medal in the youth group. She was awarded for the outstanding teacher.
Ms. Lynn has unique and interesting teaching methodology that help students to maintain great relationship with her. She is patient and warm during the teaching. She always differentiate lessons to accommodate diverse learners and perform ongoing assessments for the students. She has strong interpersonal skills and communicate effectively with students. Lynn has been well-received by the students and parents in the Bright Orange Music Academy.
Linjie Zhang,毕业于河北师范大学主修钢琴教育专业,师从音乐学院学院副教授马磊老师,同时师从旅德青年钢琴家王薇薇;并多次跟随德国钢琴大师Klaus·Baessler进行大师课的学习,具有10年以上的教学经验。 所教学生在国内外各大比赛与考级中都获得了优异的成绩。在音乐会中进行钢琴演出,并且曾参与多场独唱、合唱及器乐独奏音乐会的伴奏;担任过多场音乐会的主持工作。
Lynn老师本人也曾在国内各大钢琴比赛中多次获得金奖的优异成绩;2017年在奥地利带领学生一起参加第二届舒伯特国际钢琴大赛,荣获总决赛青年组金奖和优秀教师奖。Lynn老师在教学中贯彻落实橙嘉音乐学院教学体系, 教学获得橙嘉音乐学生和家长好评。

Coco Chen
出生于 温哥华的 Coco Chen 毕业于是维多利亚大学音乐系钢琴专业,已学习钢琴十五年,教课经验五年有余。
上课英语与中文都可以轻松沟通。大学师从多次世界钢琴巡演过的 Arthur Rowe 教授。 从高中起就参加过不同类型的乐队和比赛,曾在Richmond Music Competition, BC music festival 等比赛中获得优秀的成绩,也多曾参加过演出,音乐会。大学期间,多次担任小号,声乐,小提琴的钢琴伴奏,并且完成演奏会。
Coco Chen 非常热爱音乐 ,并且在教学方便极其富有有耐心与热情,喜欢与学生沟通,并且尊重学生的想法。教学方式寓教于乐,让学生在轻松的学习氛围中加深专业扎实的基本功技巧。她的教学对音乐的要求极高,从不忽略基本功的要求与乐曲中的细节。希望学生在学习的过程中也能体会到音乐带来的快乐。Coco老师在教学中贯彻落实橙嘉音乐学院教学体系,学生在橙嘉音乐音乐会演出中均有自信优异的表现。她希望通过与家长学生的共同配合努力,让每一位学生爱上音乐,享受音乐学习给生活带来的美好体验和硕果。
Fiona Chan
To obtain position as music theory instructor utilizing comprehensive teaching experience /knowledge, guiding students not only to fulfill examination requirement, but also to appreciate and enjoy music more profoundly.
BC registered music teacher with over 20 years of experience.
Successfully teaching RCM theory syllabus and developing positive relationships with both students and parents.
Maintaining a high standard of professionalism and work ethics.
ARCT Piano Teacher’s Diploma from RCM 2008 ARCT Piano Performer’s Diploma from RCM 2004 Certificate of Advanced
Guildhall School of Music and Drama London, UK 1990-1991
National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Taiwan 1984-1988
Fiona (Fofo) 老师,BC省注册钢琴教师。

UBC school of Music. Enhanced teaching experience towards young age beginners, mature technique to grab students attention and ability to listen and solve their doubts and needs. Cultivated and mentored students' interest in music through creative teaching processes, basic music skills and music sense education. Passionate about solving student's music problems through storytelling style and imagination. Fluent in Mandarin, English and conversational Japanese.
Jessica 老师UBC音乐学院钢琴专业。学习钢琴超过十五年,在加拿大各大钢琴比赛,音乐节取得优秀的成绩。Jessica老师认真负责,擅长帮助学生掌握钢琴的各项演奏技巧。老师上课主动热情,擅长抓住学生的上课注意力,从而帮助他们解决提升钢琴学习的困惑。Jessica老师在教学中贯彻落实橙嘉音乐学院教学体系,其富有创意的教学方式可以很好的帮助学生提升音乐兴趣以及音乐感知。在日常教学中Jessica老师充满热情,用她的富有启发式的生动的教学语言帮助学生热爱音乐。老师可用普通话英语以及日语授课。

Yanis Hong
Yanis Hong started practicing piano in early child and graduated from Xinghai Conservatory of Music as a piano performance undergraduate studied under Prof. Helen Sim. And currently studying in UBC, learning from Prof. Mark Anderson.She has been awarded The 2nd Kyoto International Music Competition ,the Second Prize in Rachmaninoff Class 7th Hongkong international Piano Invitation Competition in 2016, the First Prize in Liszt Memorial Prizes 2016 Hongkong Piano Open Competition,etc.
Ms.Hong is serious and responsible for teaching, focusing on the basic skills training in the teaching process ,using able to impart knowledge to students in a relaxed learning atmosphere to make children fall in love with music.
Yanis 老师本科毕业于中国星海音乐学院钢琴系,现硕士就读于UBC音乐学院钢琴系,曾师从著名美籍韩裔钢琴家Helen Sim,比利时钢琴家Renaat Beheydt,广东省钢琴学会会长黄天东, UBC钢琴系主任Mark Anderson等。曾获日本京都第二届国际钢琴比赛一等奖,香港国际钢琴邀请赛二等奖,香港钢琴公开赛一等奖等。
在橙嘉音乐学院教学中, Yanis老师贯彻落实橙嘉音乐学院教学体系。教学耐心细心,严谨踏实。获得学生们的喜爱。

刘老师学习钢琴近20年。英属哥伦比亚大学UBC音乐教育专业。 刘老师先后跟随南京大学和南京师范大学教授学习钢琴,十岁时获得钢琴十级优秀证书。高中毕业后考入南京艺术学院音乐表演专业。后转学至UBC,在加拿大具有多年年的教学经验,在国内外共有六年钢琴教学经验。老师授课沉稳有亲和力,注重细节音乐技巧和音乐性的处理。可以中英文同时授课。

Ms. Siu
Ms.Siu 蕭老师 RCM 注冊鋼琴老師 可以中文、英文、廣東話授課

Andrew Winn
I believe that the examination process is a very important and beneficial aspect of the study and understanding of music. In my fifteen years teaching, I have gained an extensive knowledge of the expectations and standards of the Royal Conservatory of Music Piano Examinations and use this experience to prepare students for success at these examinations as well as examinations in music theory subjects including Rudiments, Harmony, Counterpoint, History and Analysis.
In my years as a teacher I have had numerous students that have become career professionals, teachers, performers and even a doctor, all of whom have said to me that their education in music was an integral part of their learning process. It is my goal and desire to instruct students in the study of music to the best of my ability while making it an enjoyable experience not a chore, but more importantly to instill a love of music that will enhance your life and bring you happiness that you can share with anyone

Jenny Jin